BSN Application Instructions

Your decision to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing is the first step to becoming a professional nurse and demonstrates your commitment to learning. Admission to the Lydia Green Nursing Program at SPU is highly competitive. Our most successful applicants demonstrate strong academic performance, excellent professional references, work or volunteer experience, strong communication and quantitative skills, and professionalism.

hand blessing jan 2019

Admission Process

Nursing cohorts of 40 students are admitted two times per year, Autumn and Winter quarters. 

BSN Application and Admission Cycle:

The SPU Nursing Application and Admission Cycle is: Closed.

Our application cycle will open November 15, 2025 for Autumn 2026/Winter 2027.

Start Applying Now »

Current SPU students: please note, you will need to indicate you are a returning user and follow the instructions for a password reset or use your SPU credentials to access the application. If you are a current SPU student do not create a new account.

Transfer and Post Baccalaureate applicants: Contact the Transfer Admissions office at and visit their website, HERE, for more information on your specific requirements.

Please note, transcripts are not submitted through the nursing application.

Contact your academic institution to submit official transcripts of all previously completed coursework to the SPU Admissions Office. If your academic institution uses Parchment or NSCH (National Student Clearing House), send all transcripts to the Undergraduate Admissions Office.

Official transcripts can be sent electronically to or mailed to:

Seattle Pacific University
3307 Third Avenue West, Suite 115
Seattle, Washington 98119-1922

The application has been designed as a method to identify applicants who will succeed through the program. 


Cohort Start Term

Application Opens

Application Due

Application Advancement (by invitation)

Autumn / Winter

November 15

January 15,
9 p.m. (PST)

Mid to late February 


*Admitted students will be placed in either the Autumn or Winter quarter cohort by random assignment. You will be notified of cohort placement in the admissions offer letter. Applicants may request a Winter quarter start on the application. 

Components of the Application:

  • Documentation of applicant information and prerequisite coursework progression
  • Brief statement on why you have chosen Nursing
  • Documentation of work and or volunteer hours for the past three years.
    • No minimum required hours
    • Healthcare work or volunteer hours are not required although healthcare experience may help in understanding the role of a nurse.
  • Documentation of awards or honors received in the past three years.
  • Professional Reference
    • Applicant will provide name and contact information for a recommender to provide reference
    • Recommender will be sent a rating form to complete
    • Recommender will submit a letter of reference
  • Transcripts
    • Transfer/Post-Baccalaureate applicants will submit official transcripts- see application for submission instructions
    • Current SPU applicants will not need to submit transcripts

Application Review

Completed applications are reviewed by the SPU Undergraduate Admissions and School of Health Sciences Nursing Program Undergraduate Admissions Committee.

  • Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.  ALL application material including official transcripts and completed Letter of Recommendation is due on stated due date for application cycle. Plan ahead to make sure materials are submitted on time.
  • Applications that do not meet minimum pre-requisite GPA requirements will not be reviewed.
    • SPU student with SPU pre-requisite courses GPA: 2.85 minimum 
    • Transfer/Post-Baccalaureate pre-requisite GPA: 3.5 minimum
    • A minimum of four (4) prerequisites classes must be completed at the time of application. Prerequisites must include at least two (2) science courses among the four (4) or more prerequisite courses that are required at the time of application. These can include any two of the following: BIO 2129, BIO 2130, BIO 3351, CHM 1310 or CHM 1360.
    • There can be no more than two (2) repeats of any prerequisite courses due to an earned grade below 2.0 (C- or lower) OR course withdrawal.
      •  Applicants that exceed the Prerequisite Retake Policy are no longer eligible for the Nursing program.

Applicants who meet minimum requirements are not guaranteed admission.

Next Step After the Application

Following an initial application review, selected applicants will be invited to continue onto the next step in the admission process. If selected to advance, you will be notified within four to five (4-5) weeks from the application due date. Details will be in your invitation. If invited to advance, participation is required to progress through the admission process.

Applicants who meet minimum requirements are not guaranteed admission.


Nursing Prerequisite Requirements

It is strongly recommended that all other general education coursework necessary for the bachelor of science degree be completed prior to beginning the Nursing program. In order to begin the program, the following prerequisite college-level courses must be completed:

All nursing prerequisite courses must be completed with a minimum grade of “C” (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) to be considered successfully completed, with a cumulative prerequisite GPA of 2.85 or above for SPU students; or a cumulative prerequisite GPA of 3.5 for transfer students. There may be no more than two (2) course repeats taken overall to earn a grade higher than a 2.0.  Applicants that exceed the Prerequisite Retake Policy are no longer eligible for the Nursing program. Students must also maintain good academic standing at SPU.

You may download a Microsoft Excel version of the prerequisite calculator which will assist you in figuring out if you have a qualifying cumulative GPA in the prerequisite courses.

Note, an AP score, if used for a Nursing prerequisite course, will count as having completed the course, but no grade will be used for the prerequisite calculator; therefore, it will not add to or subtract from your prerequisite GPA. Contact Staff in Undergraduate Admissions for any questions regarding AP course equivalency.

*Final acceptance in the program is contingent on successful completion of the pre-requisite courses by the end of Spring quarter for both Autumn and Winter admits.  All applicants must have achieved the minimum, or higher, pre-requisite GPA at the time the application is submitted and when all pre-requisite courses are complete.

Types of Applicants

  • High school seniors apply to SPU through the Common Application as a nursing intended student. High School seniors may be considered for direct pre-admission when applying to Seattle Pacific University.
  • SPU students must be currently enrolled full time at SPU in good academic standing, and have been enrolled full-time at SPU consecutively for four quarters before beginning the program. 
  • Transfer students are those who have completed college level courses (nursing pre-requisite courses) at another educational institution, may include completed degrees such as, AA, DTA.
  • Post-baccalaureate students hold a non-nursing bachelor’s degree.

Becoming a strong applicant

  • Get involved in your community. Volunteer, work, or leadership experience is highly recommended. Volunteer and work experience do not need to be in health care and are equally valuable.
  • Successfully complete the nursing prerequisite courses.  Applicants who have completed all or the majority of the prerequisite courses at the time of application are considered more competitive.
  • Your professional recommendation should be from someone who can speak well to your professional capabilities.
  • We do not require applicants to have a certified nursing assistant certification (CNA) to apply. Having a CNA gives you the benefit of understanding some of the basic physical care that is involved in nursing. Likewise, working as a nursing assistant will give you valuable work experience. This is not required for admission to our program. 
  • We do not require applicants to take or report scores for the TEAS Examination.  

To learn more

Undergraduate Nursing Program Information Sessions are held monthly, contact Undergraduate Admissions to visit campus

Contact with questions about the nursing application. 

 group of spu student nurses

BSN Acceptance Rate

The acceptance rate for SPU applicants in the 2023-2024 admission cycle was over 94%.

Lydia Green

Lydia Green

The late Lydia Flesher Green was a former missionary to China and longtime nursing administrator.

COVID-19 Best Practices

While SPU does grant medical and religious medical exemptions for the general population of students, the nursing program does require the most recent COVID-19 vaccine recommendations.